Contact A Coach

If you are going to miss a practice or a game, you need to submit an email before your absence to the coaches.

Email Address:

Friday, January 25, 2019

Banquet Potluck Signups!

It’s banquet time and we thought we’d try something a little different this time by having a potluck! The link to the signup sheet is below. Please please please signup to bring something so we have a little dinner for the girls. It does have to be something store bought nothing homemade.

We will start the banquet with food and then a few quick awards and wrap up with pictures and turning in the uniforms. We will need the top, the skirt and the poms back. 

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to email us at

Thank you!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Shooting Stars Clinic

Hey parents,

I just wanted to let you all know of an opportunity that is coming up with the Kansas City Comets Major Arena Soccer team.

As some of you may know I dance on the dance team "Supernovas" for the Kansas City Comets. They are a team that has been around for a long time and used to play in Kemper Arena but now play in Silverstein Eye Centers Arena in Independence.

Our Shooting Stars program is an opportunity for the girls to see what a real game day is like. They will have four clinics leading up to the game to learn a dance with my team and they will perform it on February 16th at the half time of the Comets game. They will also receive a t-shirt, a set of poms, a signed poster from the Supernovas and a photo op at the end of the game. If your daughter is also 13 years old or older they will get to dance on the Supernova platform during the game with the Supernovas.

Here are the clinic dates.
January 19th
January 26th
February 9th
February 12th

If she can't make it to all of the clinics no worries, I can always catch her up. You will see on the website that there are different costs for signup due dates however please ignore that. Since you all are my girls you can use my name and pay only $75 for the entire thing.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I'd love to have the girls enjoy this experience with me.

Here is the website to register at

Coach Jessica